Finally you can be the hero with the best looking lawn on the block

Transform your turf with our 32 years of lawn wizardry – we practically speak grass!

Lawn fertilizer and Weed Control

Lawn Fertilizing and Weed Control

All lawns in the Chicago land area have a basic need for proper lawn fertilizing and weed control. Royal Gardens lawn fertilizer treatments are just what your lawn needs to be lush and weed-free.

With our organic-based lawn fertilizing program each application is spaced out evenly throughout the growing season.  While at your property our technicians will spot treat any weeds visible in your lawn free, When you sign up for any of our full season programs.

What’s wrong with my lawn?

The weather will have the largest impact on the quality of your lawn. We work with the weather by choosing the right type and amount of lawn fertilizer your lawn needs to look its best. By utilizing slow-release fertilizers and environmentally sound weed control measures, Royal Gardens Lawn Care can help all cool-season lawns thicken up quickly.

Many people like a nice short lawn. But the real truth is a thick lawn mowed at 3 1/2 inches can resist weeds naturally better.

Thin lawns mowed shorter than 3 1/2 inches dry out quickly, leaving bare open areas for weed seeds to take hold. You will probably have the biggest impact on the health of your turf. How can that be?

The answer is good lawn care practices, but how do you learn these? As part of our service, we educate you on how to maintain your lawn properly to maximize its health and appearance.

Royal Gardens technicians are State-licensed, Certified Pesticide Applicators and have over 10 years of experience treating residential Chicago land lawns. In addition, attend lawn care educational events in and out of state. We are active members of several lawn care and landscaping associations. This way our knowledge can easily be shared with all of our clients to help your lawn look its best.

For 33 years Royal Gardens Lawn Fertilizing and Landscaping has been greening lawns and landscapes throughout the suburb of Chicago land area.

Thousands of homeowners have been impressed by our results. Why wait any longer for a great yard?

Step 1: Early Spring Lawn Care

Kickstart your lawn’s recovery from winter with our early spring application. This enriches the soil and promotes a lush, green lawn. We also include preventative crabgrass control and apply broadleaf weed killer as the weather allows.

Step 2: Spring Lawn Care

During this prime growing season, we apply a balanced, slow-release fertilizer to boost root growth, color, vigor, and overall health. A second dose of crabgrass preventative and a broadleaf weed killer blanket your lawn to keep common weeds at bay.

Step 3: Late Spring/Early Summer

Prepare your lawn for summer with our summer guard treatment, which includes higher potassium levels. We also apply weed and insect control as needed. If requested, we add grub preventative during this or the next application, depending on timing and weather.

Step 4: Summer Lawn Care

Our summer root protection biostimulant helps your lawn cope with summer conditions and aids in recovery. We also apply weed, sedge, crabgrass, and insect control as needed. Plus, we keep an eye out for grub activity.

Step 5: Late Summer/Early Fall

Our fall fertilizer, enriched with iron and micronutrients, helps your lawn recover from summer damage and stay healthy into fall. We continue to apply weed, sedge, crabgrass, and insect controls as needed and monitor for grub activity.

Step 6: Late Fall/Winterizer

This granular fertilizer application is one of the most beneficial of the year. It winterizes your lawn by supporting root development as it goes dormant, ensuring a healthy, green lawn emerges in the spring.


$ 49
Starting at per application
  • 6 Timely Applications
  • Six Month Crabgrass Prevention
  • Unlimited Weed Control
  • Unlimited Service Calls Between Visits
  • Grub and Insect Control Included FREE!
  • add Spring or Fall Aeration


$ 49
Starting at per visit
  • 7 Timely Visits
  • Six Month Crabgrass Prevention
  • Unlimited Weed Control
  • Unlimited Service Calls Between Visits
  • Grub and Insect Control Included FREE!
  • add Spring or Fall Aeration


$ 224
  • 6 Timely Applications
  • Six Month Crabgrass Prevention
  • Unlimited Weed Control
  • Unlimited Service Calls Between Visits
  • Grub and Insect Control Included FREE!
  • add Spring or Fall Aeration

7 Simple Steps To A Beautiful Lawn

  • Mow high – 3 1/2 inches or higher The taller the cut, the healthier the lawn. There is a huge correlation between the height of the grass and the depth of the roots, the higher you mow the deeper the roots will grow.
  • Don’t remove more than 1/3rd of the grass height in a single mow. It will shock the plant and slow its growth. In the spring this may need to be done due to your schedule.
  • Mulch your clippings. This will conserve nutrients, reduce thatch, and save time and money in the process. You will have a greener, thicker and weed resistant lawn.
  • Keep blade sharp! A sharp blade helps keep your lawn from drying out and makes it more disease resistant.
  • Core aerating of your lawn in the spring or fall will reduce compaction and thatch.
  • Alternate you’re mowing patterns each time you mow the lawn, this prevents compaction from the tires and prevents traffic wear patterns.
  • A high Golf Course quality lawn fertilize and weed control program from Royal Gardens Landscaping.

These are all things you can do to really improve your lawn. The most important and easiest way to improve your lawn is to call Royal Gardens Landscaping and lawn care to take care of your lawn this season. We apply the correct fertilizers at the correct time of the season to ensure your lawn looks its best. We cover from Gurnee to Arlington Heights to McHenry and all points in between. Call Us Now 815 648 1400